Stone Creek Bible Church
Saturday, February 22, 2025
A Christ-centered Fellowship



We believe the Bible is the Word of God, which reveals truth from God. Therefore the Bible is the supreme authority on what ought to be believed and obeyed. Thus the Bible should be the foremost source for teaching and learning about God and His desires for people. If you believe that, there is an opportunity you may want to be part of in Uganda, Africa.

In Uganda there are thousands of village pastors with no training in how to properly understand and apply the Bible.  So they are just taking up the bad habits of the pastor(s) they learned under, and so they mis-teach the Bible, and mislead people, many of them unintentionally.  They don’t have access to good training nor the money to afford it.  So we take free training to them (listen to the audio presentation at the bottom of the page about how we take it to them).

Pastor Christian started traveling to Uganda in 2010 to train pastors.  By talking to pastors there, he quickly realized they needed much more training, local training that could happen year round.  He felt lead by God to start a training academy for Pastors in Uganda, which has become Sound Doctrine Ministry Training Academy.  The Academy is going to the village pastors to train them in good theology, good Bible interpretation, and preaching the Bible.

You can watch the following two and a half minute video about Uganda and why this training is so needed.

The first step was identifying a Ugandan who could run the school and be the first teacher.  We felt lead to look for a man who loves the Lord, has experience pastoring, is old enough to be respected but young enough to make this investment worth while, is responsible, a good organizer, trustworthy, knowledgable about the culture, knows the several main local languages, is teachable, friendly, likable, loves people, joyful, smart, a good communicator, a good networker, and well connected.  That was a tall order, but God had the man for the job, Walter.

The next step was to get Walter trained to prepare him to run the academy and teach the pastors.  We found a good Bible college in Uganda, where Walter studied theology and Bible, as well as business and communication, and graduated with a four year degree in June of 2016.

The first term of the Academy, training village pastors, started in September 2016.  A group of 15 pastors and church ministers in one village made up the first class (seen in the picture, in the red shirts, at the top of this page).  Soon that expanded to four groups of pastors each being trained on a different day of the week in a different village.


The first class, of 36 ministers, graduated in January 2018.  For 2018, six of the graduates joined Walter as teachers, overseen by Walter.  The volunteer teachers expanded the capacity of Sound Doctrine tremendously, with not a lot of additional cost.  The pastors are volunteering to give back for what they have learned.  For details on this, you can listen to the audio presentation from Pastor Christian and the video clip from Walter, immediately below, presented on February 4, 2018.  The audio clip also contains details about the budget of the school and financial efficiencies.


The second class, of 91 ministers, graduated in January 2019.  


The third class, of 219 ministers, graduated December 2019 (graduations were moved earlier).


They began classes in 2020, then coronavirus hit and the government severely restricted gatherings on and off through 2020 and 2021.  The Sound Doctrine leaders got creative and continued to find ways to do training.  The fourth class, of 195 ministers, graduated December 2021 through January 2022.  Sound Doctrine was spreading.  Five centers were on islands in Lake Victoria.  A center was in Kenya.  Five centers were hundreds of miles across Uganda from where Sound Doctrine was based.


The fifth class, of 153 ministers, graduated December 2022, from 19 different village centers around Uganda and Kenya.  


The sixth class, of 389 ministers, graduated December 2023, from 22 different village centers around Uganda and Kenya.  


The seventh class, of 648 ministers, graduated December 2024, from 29 different village centers around Uganda and Kenya. 


A total of 1,731 ministers have been graduated so far.  





If God puts it on your heart that you would want to be involved in this, there are a few things you can do.  

  1. If you want to participate through giving, you can write a check, give cash, or donate electronically through PayPal.  Please make payment to Stone Creek Bible Church, and write in the memo: “Sound Doctrine, Uganda”.  
  2. If you want to know more, feel free to reach out to Pastor Christian.  If you would like to receive periodic email updates and prayer requests, email Pastor Christian to get on the distribution list.
  3. Your prayers for this ministry would be much appreciated.  As a reminder to pray, you can pick up a card on our mission wall in the church hallway.
We believe that by your giving you fully participate in every pastor who is trained in Uganda, and get credit to your spiritual account from God, and the pastors there thank God for you (Philippians 1:3-7, 4:15-19).  
Click the play button below to listen to the plan for taking the school to the village pastors.
This map was originally shown along with the presentation of this audio. You can can enlarge the map to follow along with the presentation. Just click play on the audio first, then click the map and it will open larger in a new window.