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A Christ-centered Fellowship

Dealing with Pain

Wednesday, January 03, 2007 View Comments Comments (0)

Your pain may be emotional. It may be physical, like mine. But, we have the same Lord who will see us through it and grow us.

Almost four weeks ago now I started having extreme pain in my lower back. I have struggled with back pain for 15 years. For 10 of those years I hardly had a day without some pain. But what hit me four weeks ago was extreme, and it seemingly came out of nowhere. I went to my Chiropractor every day, but it just wasn't getting better. So, she sent me to get an MRI. It turns out that I have two herniated discs and a bulging disc. I have probably had these for quite a while, but it finally hit a nerve. With that diagnosis I started a treatment called spinal decompression. It's basically the medieval rack technologically updated (I kid. It is far from torture). This is a highly technological procedure where a programmed machine stretches my spine apart in intervals. The stretching is to allow the discs the space they need. The intervals create kind of a pumping effect that helps the discs to rehydrate and get back to their proper place. I have treatment four days a week for nine weeks. I am only two weeks into it and it has been slowly relieving symptoms, which I am thankful for. Even though I am still in quite a bit of pain about 25% of the day, I am not in pain 75%-100% of the day, like a was just a few weeks ago. And my pain now is much less severe and less debilitating. For two weeks I spent most of my days in bed; whereas now, I am at least able to go to work.

I am writing about this, because I believe that God will use this in my life. And if there is anything tough going on in your life, I would like to encourage you to trust God with it. I believe God’s promise to work all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28). I have already gained some good perspective. When you loose several of the things/abilities that we take for granted normally, you learn to appreciate how great we have it. There are many people much worse off than me, even in my current state. I have definitely gained compassion for people in constant pain. I pray for healing and am trusting God for whatever He deems best (2 Cor. 12:8-9). We are to look for things to be thankful for as we pray (Php. 4:6-7). One thing I was immediately thankful for is that God had a doctor in my life who had such a treatment available. And there are many others. I know God cares about my circumstances (1 Peter 5:7). He doesn’t miss any situation. And so I’m trying not to get frustrated with my situation, but just be all I can be with the ability that I have and His strength.

I would love to hear stories of how you have/are persevering through struggles if you want to send me a comment.


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