Stone Creek Bible Church
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A Christ-centered Fellowship

What's the Deal with Giving?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007 View Comments Comments (3)

Two weeks ago I had a couple share with me that this year they decided to start tithing (giving 10% of their income) to the church. When they made the decision they didn't really see how they were going to be able to make it work out financially, even the first month. But they were overjoyed in reporting that God was already doing things to provide the money they need to live and for them to tithe. A single mom, who was also hearing the story, affirmed the same has happened with her, and she has been tithing for some time now.

As I thought the next day about giving, I was contemplating the fact that God has made me a "steward" (a manager who owns nothing of what he manages, because God owns it all). Therefore, what I do with what God has entrusted to me is primarily a matter of worshiping God. It's not about God needing my money, which is what is often taught and how we often think. It is about me being willing to give because I love God more than the things money can buy. How much I give speaks of what I value. Do I value God most or stuff most? And if I value God most, and where I put my money shows that, then when I do spend money on something for me, which that is what most of our money goes toward, I can enjoy that thing knowing God is probably pleased for me to have it, because He knows my heart is really His. I know I often tend to think, "I have to give more and more because there is so much Kingdom work to do." But, He doesn't NEED me or my money to get His work done. So the reason I would give more and more of my money to God's Kingdom work is because my heart is becoming more and more in love with God, and less and less in love with the world and the things I can have in it.

Ref: Matthew 6:21


Practial tips

Posted on: Monday, February 12, 2007 by Pastor Christian

This is from an article by Focus on the Family. 1) Examine where your money is going. "Many of us think we can't afford to life, but how much are we spending on Starbucks or video rentals," says Alcorn. These things are not wrong, but God clearly wants us to give. And if these other things are taking priority over giving, we need to evaluate our priorities. 2) Record every expenditure for 60 days, whether it's a car payment or a candy bar. This helps do number one. 3) Make a budget

Point well taken

Posted on: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 by Hollis Boardman

Hey C. I just learned here recently that a jewish person that was walking closely with God in the Old Testament times would be giving 40% of their income to the Lord and living on the rest. It seems to me that as blessed as we are we can do better than we are doing in our giving practices.

Good Point!

Posted on: Thursday, January 25, 2007 by Allison Jennings

Hey C, This is such an important point that I don't think it talked about enough sometimes. What gets me is that nothing on this earth really is mine anyway and tithing is just one simple way of showing our trust in and our dependence on God. Have a great day!!

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