Stone Creek Bible Church
Sunday, February 16, 2025
A Christ-centered Fellowship

We asked our people the question, "What do you love about Stone Creek?"  The following are many of the answers we got.


The focus on the word of God in preaching:

Great sermons.

Clear teaching from God’s word.

Teaching God’s word.  Believing the Bible is truth to follow.

I love that the sermons are always Biblical.

I love the teaching and the desire to follow the Bible according to God.

Love the sermons, knowing the Holy Spirit is speaking.

Solely biblical teaching from the pulpit.  The transparency of the pastor.

The focus on the word of God in pastor’s preaching.

Preaching, learning directly from God’s word.

Bible-centered messages.

Good doctrine and teaching.

Love the teaching of the Bible.

Friendly people:

Friendly atmosphere.

Friendly and giving.

The people are real, no make believe fronts.

The people and their love of God.

Friendly, caring people.

Down to earth people.

God’s love shining through His disciples.

The church is like a family and we care about one another:

I love that I can call all the people here my family, because this is my church home.

The church is a family - we demonstrate love for one another in a variety of ways.

The faith, love, and community of the church.  

Stone Creek strives to be a Christian family of God and helps each other to live this way.

I love how we all are very nice and that I can make good friends with the people here.

I love the family environment.  We are one big family unit.  

The warmth of truly caring for one another is real.

You don’t get lost in crowds of people.

I love my church family.

I like that we are a real family.

We are family and involved in each other’s lives.

I feel closer to God when worshipping with my church family.

It feels like family - worshipping with family, safe, comfortable, intimate, relationships.

I like the family vibe.

Other things mentioned:


Music is uplifting.

Worship, because it isn’t a huge production.

I like the uniqueness of the question and answer time after the sermon.


How God speaks to me through the pastor.

Real sense of community and friendships.

Women’s group.

Bible studies.

Lots of gatherings for fellowship.

I love the staff.  They are so loving.

It’s relaxed.

It’s super fun.


The joy in this place.


If that sounds like a church you would want to be part of, come visit us.